Among the many conspiracy theories surrounding the moon landing is one that says Kubrick was hired by the government to help them fake the whole thing. Though this theory is a stretch, it’s the only thing that could possibly explain some of the bizarre imagery in the movie. Midway through the film, Wendy and Danny watch The Summer of '42 on TV. 1. A one-stop shop for all things video games. In fact, this may be the theory that director Ascher most prescribes to. The Shining is a lot of things to a lot of people, but at least we can all agree it's a pretty good movie. Another suggests that the Illuminati killed Stanley Kubrick because of this film. Of course, the theory makes absolutely no sense but it is a fun theory people love to think about. Like the twin girls are over-layed on top of Wendy," Ryan says. 10 The Movie Inspired Frozen Early in the film during Jack’s interview, Ullman stands up as Jack walks in to his office to shake his hand. The resulting images are eerie (see above, video NSFW). One of the more spectacular theories in the movie: That Kubrick was hired by the American government to fake the Apollo moon landing, and “The Shining” is … That said, what's the truth behind those conspiracy theories surrounding the film's message? The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. There are pieces of art and depictions of Native Americans in the Overlook hotel, Jack says, “white man’s burden,” which is a reference to the Rudyard Kipling poem about white imperialists, and Stuart Ullman even goes in to detail about how the hotel was built on an Indian burial ground! Much of the film’s soundtrack is made up of post-war compositions influenced by the horrors of the Second World War. Besides the obvious scene in which a bear is performing a sexual act on a man in a tuxedo, Jack is even reading a Playgirl magazine before the job interview, and nobody knows what actually happened to Danny in room 237. What is Shine Theory? ", When Jack first arrives at the lobby of the Overlook, he's reading a Playgirl magazine. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. One theorizes that Jack Torrance has "Peter Pan Syndrome". Finally, Jack’s rant at Wendy when she wants to leave represents Kubrick arguing with his own wife about his deception: "Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a contract in which I have accepted that responsibility?" By Bilge Ebiri. The hotel is constantly shifting; when Wendy and Danny enter a cooler, they exit a different cooler on the opposite side of the room, and there are other continuity errors that may have actually been intentional. That last theory was what first inspired Ascher and Kirk to collaborate on a film assembling as many different theories about The Shining as … There are many, many theories about what Stanley Kubrick's flick The Shining really means. NEXT: Doctor Sleep: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About The Shining Sequel, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Theorist: Bill Blakemore, television correspondent, author. The second best conspiracy theories are Illuminati ones, even if Dan Brown has ruined them a bit. The first give away that the movie could be about sexual abuse is when Danny mentions his imaginary friend Tony, and his doctor explains that having an imaginary friend is a side effect of trauma. The most popular one is that the U.S government allegedly hired Stanley Kubrick, who’d directed 2001: A Space Odyssey the previous year, to fake film of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. Some interpret this as the television not showing you what is really happening. There is almost no evidence to support this theory, but there’s no evidence against it either, and it’s interesting to think this is possible as there have always been whispers amongst conspiracy theorists that the CIA have been exercising these experiments for decades. There's an article about incest. The Shining allegedly contains Kubrick’s coded apology. So certain, in fact, he wrote a book about it. In other words, the whole film is about the bizarre coincidences of life. New Stephen King Theory Connects It To The Shining By Dylan Chaundy @DylanChaundy 10 months ago x Film director Martin Scorsese, writing in The Daily Beast, ranked it as one of the 11 scariest horror movies of all time. This gift is referred to as The Shining throughout the movie. The elaborate hedge maze in The Shining is thought by theorists to be a retelling of the mythological tale of Theseus and the Minotaur, with Jack represented as … "That typewriter, that German typewriter – which by the way changes color in the course of the film, which typewriters don't generally do – is terribly, terribly important as a referent to that particular historical event. In fact, during our interview, as we talked about coincidences, Ascher looked over at the clock in his office and realized it was exactly 2:37 p.m. Another suggests that the film represents the myth of the Minotaur. To wit: In the scene where Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) meets Stuart Ullman (Barry Nelson) in his office and, Weidner says in 237, his hips line-up perfectly with his paper try making it look like an erection. The initial European release of The Shining was 25 minutes shorter than the American version, achieved by removing most of the scenes taking place outside the environs of the hotel. In the film, Jack Torrance, a writer and recovering alcoholic, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel. Eyes and triangles do indeed feature highly in his film, not least in The Shining: triangular chair backs, step-ladders, roofs, mountains and tapering corridor shots. There are so many visual references to bulls within the Overlook hotel too. He told me he finds it incredibly serendipitous that his documentary is coming out the same year as the Los Angeles County Museum of Modern Art's Kubrick retrospective, and Stephen King's publication of Doctor Sleep, a Shining sequel with Danny Torrance as a middle-aged man. The word “Monarch” appears on it, which was a widely rumoured codename for a CIA “behavioural engineering” programme called MKUltra, which breaks minds down using LSD and experimental techniques. Wendy and Danny watch the film The Summer of ‘42 on TV. Most compellingly, there’s play on the number 42 throughout the film: 42 cars in the hotel parking lot, 42 on one of Danny's shirts and on the license plate of Halloran's rental car. The Shining is so layered with hidden meanings that it even spawned a documentary, Room 237, which discusses all of its existing conspiracy theories, from ones that are hidden in plain sight, to ones that are just out right absurd. The Native American Genocide The theory that The Shining is about the Native American Genocide first took hold in an article called “The Family of Man” by Bill Blakemore. There are all manner of spatial anomalies in the hotel: doors that don’t lead anywhere, windows with the wrong view and rooms that seem to move around. Danny wears an Apollo 11 jumper. It also makes some sense out of when Jack says, “When I came up here for my interview, it was as though I had been here before.”. For a lot of people, his idea was kind of a symbolic theory of The Shining of record. With a narrative that’s as puzzling and confusing as the hedge maze found in the terrifying climax, The Shining has led fans to rack their head for it’s various meanings for the past 40 years. Stanley Kubrick’s longtime assistant, Leon Vitali, says various theories about hidden meanings in “The Shining,” proposed in the documentary “Room 237,” are just “balderdash.” We also know that Danny has an imaginary friend, Tony, that "lives in his mouth." Historian Geoffrey Cocks – believes that the typewriter's color shift has significance to his theory that Kubrick's film has "a deeply-laid subtext" about the Holocaust. Film critics, film students, and Kubrick's producer Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence the film has had on popular culture. "Inside The Shining are hundreds of subliminal images and shot line-ups – and what these images are telling is a extremely disturbing story about sexuality and the subtext of the story – besides the other subtexts of the story – is the story of haunted phantoms and demons who are sexually attracted to humans and are feeding off of them. Stephen King’s novel didn’t feature a hedge maze but Kubrick added it for the film as a reference to the part-man, part-bull creature who lives at the centre of a labyrinth. From how Jack Nicholson got into character, to the real story on the hedge maze, to fans' conspiracy theories, here are 20 facts about 'The Shining' you need to know. When Danny first uses the shining, it’s in front of a mirror, and obviously, “Redrum” can only be read properly in a mirror. That’s because it’s all a nightmare within Jack’s alcohol-soaked, writer’s block-suffering mind. Another suggests that the Overlook is hell. Unlike previous Kubrick films, which developed an audience gradually by building on word-of-mouth, The Shining was released as a mass-market film, opening at first in just two cities on Memorial Day, then nationwide a month later. Conspiracy theorists allege that Kubrick peppered his work with visual references to Masonic symbols, like the Eye of Providence. All this numerology references the year 1942, when the Nazis put their “Final Solution” into place. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining is considered to be one of the greatest horror movies. It’s Really About the Native American Genocide. His films are famously noted for being dark, twisted, and unsettling, so it’s entirely possible that The Shining is a metaphorical Holocaust film. Implying that he possibly never wants to grow up. Fan Theories Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. One of the creepiest theories of all is that mad genius Kubrick managed to imbue his film with so much ambiguous Freudian symbolism that it taps into essence of life itself. The machine is made by Adler which translates as “eagle” - the Nazi emblem, also spotted on Jack’s yellow T-shirt. Although initial response to the film was mixed, later critical assessment was more favorable and it is now listed among the greatest horror movies, while some have even viewed it as one of the greatest films of all time. When Jack types “All work and no play…”, the first word looks like “A11” or Apollo 11. RELATED: 10 Most Iconic Quotes From Horror Movies. The film is full of Native American symbology, from Navajo wall hangings in the ballroom to the pantry’s stockpile of Calumet baking soda – the cans bearing the brand's logo of a Native American in warrior headdress. The layout of the Overlook makes no physical sense. Fans genuinely believe that the US government hired Kubrick off the heels of 2001: A Space Odyssey, impressed by its effects, to direct the “fake” moon landing. Blakemore outlines the importance that Kubrick places on the multiple appearances of large tins of When the hotel manager gives the Torrance family a tour, he mentions that the Overlook sits atop an Indian burial ground. Obsessives point to the frequent use of the number ‘42’: 42 cars in the Overlook parking lot, '42' on one of Danny’s shirts, and a ‘42’ on the license plate of Halloran’s car. Soon after settling in, the family is trapped in the hotel by a snowstorm, and Jack gradually becomes influenced by a supernatural presence; he descends into madness and attempts to murder his wife and son. The secret society eventually killed poor Stan over this and made it look like a heart attack, the swines. The Shining is about the genocide of Native Americans Out of all the potential strange theories out there about the true meaning of The Shining, one … Recently, The Shining was the subject of the documentary Room 237, which featured obsessive fans spitting out some pretty batshit theories about the movie.Like how it was secretly Kubrick's confession to having faked the moon landing ().Or how it's meant to be watched simultaneously backwards and forwards, with images of both overlaid on each other. As Jack has his hedge maze, just like how the Minotaur has its labyrinth, many viewers have pointed out the connection between The Shining and The Theseus And The Minotaur. The film is based on Stephen King's 1977 novel of the same name, though there are significant changes. So what meanings do some people believe its … History professor Geoffrey Cocks is pretty sure The Shining is about the Nazi extermination. I was looking for a theory, a way to explain The Shining to myself. This can suggest that the whole film was a nightmare. There is a black paper tray sitting on Ullman’s desk, and when he stands up and leans in to Jack, fans have pointed out that it looks like Ullman has an erection. The hotel itself is maze-like, with Jack representing the child-devouring monster. The second and most likely, suggests that the film represents genocide of Native Americans. Jack Torrance is driven insane by an evil presence at the Overlook Hotel, which compels him to try to kill his innocent wife and child and to repeatedly ax an innocent door. When Jack kills chef Dick Hallorann, the dead body lies on a rug with an Indian motif – a metaphor for weak Americans slaughtering the Indians. MKUltra is to blame There are piles of Tang, the powdered fruit drink used on space flights, visible in the pantry. A new documentary, Room 237, explores the theory that messages are hidden in horror film The Shining. At the beginning of the film Danny's been physically abused, but there's a suggestion that he's been sexually abused as well," Ryan says. Also Jack mentions that he just had "the most horrible dream", where he had to murder his family. There are a lot of mirrors in The Shining, and most of the when time one appears there is usually an epiphany that comes with it, or at least something that propels the plot forwards. A blue sweater that Danny is wearing features a shuttle that says Apollo 11 on it, and it has led fans to believe it’s Kubrick’s covert confession. Taking a cue from site MSTRMND's brilliant analysis, which noted that "The Shining is a film meant to be seen both forwards and backwards," Ryan wanted to see what would happen if it was projected simultaneously with one version being played the normal way and the other being superimposed and run backwards from end to beginning. The Theories The Shining is a rare film, because, like most Kubrick films, it has dozens of conspiracy theories behind it. One of the Room 237 theories argues that the film is an indictment of the genocide of Native Americans caused in our country thanks to the Overlook Hotel's history of … Even the date on the climactic vintage photograph, July 4th, is an ironic reference to the fact that Independence Day doesn’t apply to the country’s indigenous occupants. The Shining is so layered with hidden meanings that it even spawned a documentary, Room 237, which discusses all of its existing conspiracy theories, from ones that are hidden in plain sight, to ones that are just out right absurd. And with Danny in peril, he only has Wendy to take care of him, which is one of the reasons why Wendy is the true hero. Top-notch conspiracy hunter Jay Weidner has many, many theories about the work of Kubrick (and other things) but some of the more eye-popping are his thoughts about how the director used the subliminal messaging of advertisers in his films. Jay Weidner, an author and independent filmmaker, put forward this theory in the documentary, 'Room 237', which was itself an examination of the different interpretations on 'The Shining'. Perhaps the most popular theory is one that claims The Shining is Kubrick’s elaborate apology for collaborating with the US government to fake … Neither do the ghosts or visions. This would imply that Jack suffers a mental illness and behaves like a man child would. This may represent the guilt that Kubrick had about being seduced by the project. 1942 was the year the Nazis initiated their “Final Solution”, and the number “42” appears at various times throughout the film. This is suggested because of a seemingly out-of-place ski poster is visible in one of the shots of the freaky twin girls. There were a lot of differences between the movie and the book, but one of most unusual and seemingly unnecessary differences is that in the movie, the Torrances travel to the Overlook hotel in a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, and in the book, it’s a red beetle. When Jack Torrance signs his employment contract, it’s a Faustian pact with the devil – hence his descent into a hell full of blood, ghostly visions and his personal fears. The most popular one is that the U.S government allegedly hired Stanley Kubrick, who’d directed 2001: A Space Odyssey the previous year, to … There's a movie that attempts to uncover a few of them (room 237), but I think the majority of the theories in that movie are quite contrived and I'm not sure I agree with many of them bar the native american genocide subplot. There is also one shot where the television is not plugged in but still works. RELATED: 10 More Horror Movies To Watch If You Love The Shining. When reduced to a bare-bones synopsis, the plot of The Shining is pretty straightforward. "Just in that one shot there's all these, like, you know complex things going on in the background.". The scene in the bathroom where Jack embraces the woman only to recoil in horror after seeing that she was not really what he thought. It’s one of the most far fetched theories that exists about The Shining, and if Kubrick thought that deeply about the paper tray on the desk and how far Ullman should lean in, then he really is a genius. Both Frozen and The Shining feature a protagonist that harms a family member, and they both then isolate themselves to try and get over their issues. His young son possesses psychic abilities and is able to see things from the past and future, such as the ghosts who inhabit the hotel. The twins represent NASA’s Gemini space programme. Part of his theory … The use of mirrors through out the film, the twins, the symmetry of the shots and the constant doubling throughout the film are meant to be reflective of our own interior lives. I covered this topic extensively in my previous analysis, in fact it was the main premise of the review, but due to the greatly extended length of this current analysis, the genocide theme will cease to be my central contention about the film’s meaning. Hence why he took the job as the care taker of the overlook hotel, as he's getting paid to live in a place rent free so he can spend all day playing with no responsibilities. Being one of the best 80s horror movies, the flick is so much more than just cheap jump scares. Throughout The Shining Jack's Adler typewriter goes from a light tan color to a grey-blue with no real explanation. Bill Blakemore has been a reporter for ABC News for about half a century, but perhaps his biggest scoop — at least for Kubrick fans — was his theory that The Shining explored the genocide of Native Americans. RELATED: Recasting The Shining In 2020 (Every Major Character). There are a lot of other examples but the theory goes that the Overlook is one giant mirror and that the guests are being tortured by exactly what they bring to the hotel. There are also repeated shots of Jack Torrance looking taurine, his forehead jutting and eyes rolling wildly, like a bull about to charge. Though it might sound too simple of a theory for such a puzzling movie, looking at the Overlook as hell is the only theory that makes sense of the hotel’s warped layout and Jack’s out of context non-sequiturs. Jack's typewriter is German and his deranged typing symbolises the Third Reich’s mechanical methods of killing, and obsession with list-making. In the vintage black-and-white photograph shown at the end of the film, Jack's pose is exactly the same as the Tarot card for Baphomet - a.k.a Satan. Fans have taken this as a slight towards King, with Kubrick using it as a power move and proclaiming The Shining as his film. "The cover is like people getting ready for the New Year. However, there is a red Beetle later on in the movie, which is found crushed underneath a truck. Interpretations, also known as theories or readings are fan based interpretations of the meanings of hidden themes found in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film version of the 1977 Stephen King novel The Shining. "All the symbols in the movie overlap in the superimposition backwards-forwards. One of the most popular theories about The Shining is also one of the most disturbing. Throughout the movie, Jack stares with his head down and his eyes pointed up, a similar stare to a bull, and he even does it while standing over a miniature of the hedge maze. The Overlook Hotel represents the CIA and is functioning the same way on Jack Torrance, chipping away at his mind with creepy hallucinations intended to crack him. There are theories abound regarding the shining. The murdered twins are over-layed across Jack's face.". Here are some highlights form the new documentary Room 237. It is a conscious decision to bring your full self to your friendships, and to not let insecurity or envy ravage them. Another suggests that Jack Torrance is the devil. Room 237 is a reference to the distance between Earth and the moon: 237,000 miles. We all know that Danny can speak to certain individuals through his thoughts, namely Larry. Several of the theorists talk about weird coincidences that they personally experienced while spending countless hours watching and thinking about The Shining. The theory goes Jack Torrance represents a bull-headed man, killed in his own maze like Minotaur. Jack's angry outburst and attacking his family with an ax is also akin to a child throwing a temper tantrum. But it doesn’t end there, as there are a lot of other references between the two strikingly different, but somehow very alike movies. Whether viewers believe that the moon landing is fake or not, they have to suspend disbelief even further to believe/not believe in this. Another suggests that the film is about the holocaust. Here are some interesting fan theories about the movie. Now we come to the first of several controversial themes in The Shining – the genocide of Native Americans in early US history. Danny's visions of blood streaming from the lift represents the souls buried beneath the hotel, with the elevator descending into the basement like a bucket in a well, bringing up a haul of blood when it returns to the surface. Or Apollo 11 powdered fruit drink used on space flights, visible in the pantry has attracted almost. 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