It worked out for my minis eventually because I ended up using a shade step to draw details back out. Your email address will not be published. Then at a 45 degree angle, relative to the light source, spray the light gray. That’s why these primers come in pots as well as sprays. Washes are a thinned version of paint designed to flow into the recesses of a surface. This is the magic of Contrast paints, they are transparent, yet very vibrant. I would say, however, I think it works better going from grey, through off white, to pure white, rather than going all the way up from black – the black ends up with odd dark edges that don’t look right to my eye. While they were fine for tabletop, they lacked something. This is a perfect base for using the contrast paints over. . With zenithal highlighting, we imagine the light source being directly overhead. Zenithal Contrast Paint. Zenithal Priming – I love zenithal priming, and it’s more effective with Contrast than any other paint type! To begin with I just block in my colors and establish my composition and color choice. Over the top of this I applied all of my base colours using a single coat of various Contrast paints, followed by some regular edge highlighting to bring out the more prominent details. article). Color variations not ony make the figures come alive in a natural looking way, they also help me tone down the dusty look of the dry brushing, wherever it might be too much. 1) Spray closer: Get in closer than you’d usually spray. February 25, 2018 February 24, ... you’re looking for just enough contrast to start pulling the details of the mini back out. I use P3 Menoth White base, this is a regular paint, a nice creamy off white like the old Bleached Bone. When you get up close, you can see a fine grit, almost like a 3D-printed figure. Let the mini dry and clear the spray can as you did previously. All done in one lazy sunday incloding photos and write-up. This technique can also be used to increase the contrast of your OSL (object source light). Contrast paints really help to speed up things. To be honest the previous step is 50% of the work all that left is applying contrast and then do some highlight. Thanks Eric! I have also given the bases some black, brown and green washes of regular paint. Much like having a bit of something down on a white sheet of paper makes it easier to get writing, I find it much easier to dive into a mini when I’ve used this shading method. ( Log Out / Maybe it’s Florida’s humidity. Shake your white spray primer really, really well, then spray your minis from directly above at a distance of 6-8 inches. To get started, grab your mini, a can of black, grey, and white spray primer, and find a very well ventilated space. About a week ago I posted a picture in the Oldhammer Community on FB showing a couple of skaven I had painted with Contrast paints, super fast. Here’s a trick I’ve started to use to add visual interest to my primed figures and get me painting faster. Give the black primer coat ten minutes or so to dry. Adjust your angle accordingly and respray. We can thin them with water and we have a paint that is really good for glazes and blending and we can mix it with both water and contrast medium for something in between. First I dry brush them, by doing that I sharpen all details and contours of my figures and make them fit better within the armies I have already painted. I am looking forward to see what you will make with these paints. You won’t have to spray long, the white will stand out starkly against the rest of the figure almost immediately but you’re going to want to make sure you have an even coat. The 4moms rockaRoo provides the front to back gliding motion that babies love, in a com... [More]. I did my best! And you can compensate slightly by adding other types of contrast, like using complementary colours on adjacent areas. I recommend to have some potted Wraith Bone or Grey Seer on hand, depending on which primer you’ve used, if you have an accident, paint the area over with your primer color and you’ll be fine. 3 comments. Continuing my foray into Contrast Paints last week, I wanted to see how contrast paints worked with zenithal highlighting. This is the step that will make everything really pop. When the sun is at its highest point in the sky it is called its zenith. Only takes a few seconds with a spray can or airbrush then almost everything is a single layer of contrast paint. Chances are, there is an underside of a cloak or an otherwise obscured portion of the mini that you missed. I applied the Fleshtearers Red on the slaangor while the Nazdreg Yellow was still wet and mixed the two colors on my figure, Contrasts are good for that kind of oilpainting like techniques. Now I only meed the final highlights! Zenithals Here are the models Thursday, September 17 2020 I'll definitely give these suggestions a go though. I started with a black prime and then a zenithal highlight with Wraithbone base with my airbrush. If you live in a hot climate, spray at night/ first thing in the morning. For this coat, instead of moving it all around for total coverage, you’re going to keep the can at a 45-degree angle to the figure. Nov 25, 2017 1,206 1,843 138 United kingdom. Once dry, grab a can of medium grey primer. Jul 14, 2018 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. If you’re painting outside, you should bring it inside so that it dries faster and more evenly. You’re also going to want to make sure you’re shaking the spray can often and that you keep moving to avoid pilling. Everything is looking much sharper now. Johnny was pretty easy to paint with a layer of Citadel black contrast paint over my zenithal highlighting. Sometimes, the most daunting part of painting a miniature is getting started. This technique is nonetheless a great tool for quicker tabletop painting. The great thing about the contrast paint is that I now have a lot of modulation going on in my colors, without having to spend time painting a lot of light and shadow, it is already there after just blocking the colors in. Let the mini dry and clear the spray can as you did previously. To begin with I just block in my colors and establish my composition and color choice. GeekDad Paints! My zenithal primer here, where black is present in the lower recesses and undersides works very well with the transparency of the Contrast paints, instantly creating a natural shading on my figures. A zenithal shade does a lot of work under semi-transparent paints and inks. You’ll apply black, grey, and white primers in a way that creates a gradient effect from the shadows to the upper most areas. Thanks for this excellent tutorial! The contrast paints blow straight through the airbrush with maybe only a drop of water added to them for a full hopper of contrast paint. Zenithal highlighting is mentioned in almost every video and article about it to be a way to speed paint models. The effect was pronounced and, for me, revelatory. Great tutorial! (The slaangor was already on my shelf, primed normal white, so he missed the wraithbone) There are 2 primers for Contrast; Wraithbone which is a warm bone like color and Grey Seer which is a cold light grey. In zenithal highlighting, you are reproducing an imaginary light … If you’re airbrushing your model, inks are a quick and easy way to glaze over a zenithal highlight base coat. Me, though? Dragons were primed red, aliens green, Stormtroopers black (because I was being clever and was “just going to paint the white” to avoid having to shade… yeah). The goal here is to get total coverage with a few light layers of primer. It is good to see how people use the contrast paint, particular such a skilled painter as yourself. 1. A little while back, Sorastro added a new technique to his ever-growing bag of tricks, Zenithal Shading. It’s also the one I have the most trouble with. Doesn't act like a wash really, more like a heavy glaze - but thin enough the zenithal highlight shows through a bit, just like pre-shading with an airbrush on tanks etc. After the purple armour is complete I started with some base coats trying to leverage contrast paints as much as possible mainly because I dislike doing basecoats to be honest. They flow a bit like washes, collecting in the recesses and getting much more intense. ... How to do basic zenithal highlighting. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Thanks to Sorastro for showing me the OSL and look out for more GeekDad Paints! Jan 22, 2017 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. Funnily enough I find these Contrast paints especially useful on old lead miniatures because of the intricate detail and texture, they do not have the smoothness of plastics and this lack of smoothness really helps when painting with contrasts. I will have to give some of them a try! Apr 7, 2018 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. Be neat plz and use a small brush on details and zone limit. I like to base all of my models with german panzer grey and zenithal highlight with ghost grey. Washes. Miniatures painted with glazes over zenithal priming have good contrast within each area, but can lack contrast between each of the areas. Don’t worry if you don’t completely cover the mini on the first pass. Be careful with the water though because it removes the special wash-like proporties of the paint. I often use GW Shades for this, but Contrasts and regular paints are also useful for this. It’s messier, and the results aren’t quite as smooth, but it gets the job done. A zenithal highlight is the painting technique of adding a highlight color over a dark painted model. Maybe it’s the formulation of white paint, but I have never been able to lay down a white coat that wasn’t a little fuzzy. I primed them black and sprayed them from above with Wraithbone, one of the dedicated contrast primers. If you’re priming multiple miniatures, make sure you leave enough space between them so that you can paint all sides evenly. I like to use Daler rowney white ink to zenithal highlight everything, 6 drops of ink to 4 drops of water is a good mix ratio for this through the airbrush. When I started painting miniatures a couple of years ago, I had a very straightforward way of priming my figures. Zenithal lighting theory Means an imagined light source, unreal first - up to you to make it real and alive hitting from the top at the miniature. Looking at them now, one could easily just fininsh them off with a wash on the bases and painting the base edges and that would be fine. You’ll see in upcoming months that I’m priming all my minis this way now (and adding Zenithal shading to those I originally primed flat). Grab a rigid scrap of cardboard or foam core and affix your minis to it with a bit of sticky tack or poster putty. And using the technique, it was easy to see where colors should naturally be darker and where lighter tones were needed. And then white straight on from the lightsource, it helps you increase the constrast of your OSL. Painting . Zenithal highlighting is another excellent technique, but one that takes slightly more specialized materials. Like in about about 4-6 inches. GeekDad Paints! Note the wayward brushstroke on the stormvermin’s knee, I need to paint it over with wraithbone before I paint his skirt… The colors here are: Guilliman Flesh for the clanrat’s skin, Darkoath Flesh for the stormvermin’s skin, Wyldwood for skaven fur, Nazdreg Yellow for the Slaangor’s skin and finally Flesh Tearers Red for the chaos warriors armor and the hair and lobster claw on my slaangor. I do have some more tricks up my sleeve…. Usually, washes are a darker color that helps you add contrast to a miniature. This post continues a saga I began in an earlier post on the hobby of painting miniature figures. Zenithal hghlight from black to white, then basecoat with a 50/50 thinned paint with medium. 2) Spray when it’s cooler. save. Thanks, I am happy to hear that! With 34 paints in the initial range, I think a lot of people might balk at making the investment on Contrast paints. They do change the way we paint but you still need regular paints and the techniques for these. We don’t need to pick out absolutely everything, many details are suitably defined at this point, but there will always be some that need our attention. We do not have any metals in the Contrast range, so here we must still use reular paints and shade the paint accordingly. I’ll go over my efforts to paint Volfyirion in another mini-painting post. You can even shift the angle on the white spray if you want to simulate different object source lighting (OSL). See? I like anywhere from three to six inches, depending on the size of the mini. There’s three things you can do to help reduce that effect. Change ). hide. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It’s a lot of fun to experiment with this new type of paint. There’s a … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Thank you for that interesting post. I have cans of spray primer. Sorastro’s preferred method is with an airbrush, and he gets incredibly smooth, targeted results. . lowed with some grey and white zenithal highlights applied from above (please refer to Epsiode 1 of the video series on YouTube for more details on how I do this): I’m starting by painting all of the clothes using Scalecolor’s Eclipse Grey: I chose this because it has quite a warm tone which will help maximise the contrast … Start with bones -One coat of Squelleton Hordes contrast paint. Your email address will not be published. If you have an airbrush, I highly recommend using it instead of spray cans (but then, if you have an airbrush, you’re a lot more dedicated than me already, so this article is likely old news for you). Featured Gaming Hobbies Tabletop Games. I can certainly recommend anyone to try out the Contrast paints they are fast and fun to use! The first thing to know is that this technique requires a … I also gave the slaangor’s eyes gloss varnish so they became like black gems or maybe even insect eyes… His lobster claw got some gloss varnish too. Well I don’t really paint by recepe, but I would be happy to make a step by step on my approach to painting with these contrast paints! Required fields are marked *. After your satisfied with your coverage, tip the spray can upside down and spray till it’s clear to keep residual paint from clogging the can. More Contrast experimentation, you won’t get these results out of the pot. Also I like to become better at painting and I will come back to read this a few times more. It really helps alot to make me understand how they work. I prepped and primed 4 old lead miniatures for this purpose in order to show some different examples instead of just demonstrate how it works on skaven fur. Close. Contrast Paints Experimentation. Explore. On top of that I gave the green gem on the chaos warrior’s bauble a dot of gloss varnish. Above we can see the first few colors being blocked in. ... stumbled upon is using Citadel Contrast paints. Over the top of this I applied all of my base colours using a single coat of various Contrast paints, followed by some regular edge highlighting to … Above we see the next step. Nov 16, 2015 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. In that post, I described how I managed to paint the minis in the game Mystheato a satisfactory level. Once I start painting, it doesn’t make a huge difference, but it still bugs me. I hope this has been inspirational and informative. I primed the model with some Mechanicus Standard Grey before spraying Grey Seer from above to create some subtle zenithal highlights. Jul 14, 2018 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. My zenithal primer here, where black is present in the lower recesses and undersides works very well with the transparency of the Contrast paints, instantly creating a natural shading on my figures. If we look at the model from the top down (the right half of the picture) we can see the actual exact places the light would hit on the surface of the model. share. Zenithal Priming is priming your model with 3 colors instead of just 1. Glazing uses the pre-shade to keep the shadows and highlights we have already placed on the model. It provides a visual shorthand of where the high points are on your figure and will help when you’re planning out your color scheme. I know what you mean about the gritty effect of spray cans. Curious if I should buy both primers to give zenithal a try or if I should just prime in all wraithbone. The bright red and yellow on the two chaos miniatures are really nice. Once your minis are ready, spray them black in sweeping strokes, rotating the board or walking around them so that you hit all sides. I don’t have an air brush, and I feel that spray cans are hard to control. It’s caused by the paint partially drying before it hits the mini. At the end of that post, I looked forward to painting the dragon Volfyirion and the miniatures in Icaion, both from Tabula Games. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ( Log Out / Up until now I have only used Contrast paints except from the bases, the metal bits and a bit of regular black with which I blocked in the backs of the shields and undersides of loincloths and such. Thank you Helge! Too much in one pass, and you’ll obscure the finer details. They are certainly a big new tool for the toolbox and I just love to use mine. Nice work – I especially like how your Stormvermin and Chaos champion came out! If anything prompts me to grab an airbrush, it’ll be this. 3) Put the can in warm water for 5 minutes (in the sink full of hot water from the faucet is perfect), then shake it like crazy. Do try it for yourself, a bit of a different way of working, but highly recommended. You dont need the entire range, just build up a collection a little at a time with whichever colors take your fancy and implement them gradually. Take a second to support GeekDad and GeekMom on Patreon! Since I wrote that post, a new element entered the picture: I pre-ordered two more games with miniature figures: Tainted … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Liked it? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. So I use a super soft brush (make up brush) with very very little paint on, and just dry brush in a top-to-down direction. The orange arrows give you an idea of how the light might "fall" on the model. The process is simple and pretty straight forward. There’s no avoiding hitting the metals here and there with this, in some places the metals just get dulled down in a nice way, in others we need to reapply the metal color. Now for some individual color variations. In the next step I have also finished the bases with some more washes and a final dry brush of P3 Menoth White Base and Balor Brown. If you prime the model black. If you’re well practiced at “painting inside the lines” that’s really quick. Because the Contrast paints are transparent they are affected by the warmth of the primer underneath and they need a bright primer like white or these two, they will not work on a pure black primer. All this meant was that, after priming black, he went back with grey and white paint at different angles to give the impression of a light source. The metals get the same, edges and points of direct reflection in silver. Has anyone tried zenithal priming with grey seer and wraithbone? Posted by 7 hours ago. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Generally you will use just three colors, black, gray, and white. Use Zenithal Shading for Quick and Easy Highlights. May 29, 2019 #2 From the same guy use zenithal highlights . Once your initial coat is complete, pick up the board and double check to make sure you got everything covered. Light that you see in your painting plans and which has to be painted up to the miniature. My personal preference for painting over a Zenithal highlight is to use a layering or glazing technique to achieve a smooth finish. Thought I would start a thread to discuss the upcoming contrast paints now we are seeing hands on videos and eventually our own examples. They have a … I paint small super highlights in dots and lines to show extra definition and illustrate the points of direct reflection. Not to detract from the contrast paint discussion, but those Vallejo surface primers are absolutely awesome through an airbrush. It’s especially effective when combined with wet-blending (which I’ll get into more in my next GeekDad Paints! I had the hardest time with the cross he's holding since it has flowers and not a lot of detail on the mini. I coated the body of the model with Skeleton Horde and the tentacles with Magos Purple. I do also deepen many shadows in the contrst painted areas, wherever I think they will be in more shadow due to the direction of the light I deepen the shadow with Agrax. Move around again so that you get all sides. The good news is that with a white varnished base, you can apply two thin … I brought it back full circle. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I have added extra shadows with good old Agrax Earthshade. The metals have got it obviously, since they don’t autoshade like the contrasts do. GeekDad Daily Deal: Lifetime Subscription to SEOPop, ‘Queen in 3D’ Makes Freddie and Co Leap off the Page, ‘Black Lightning’ Joins The CW’s Superhero Lineup, New Kickstarter Boardgame Preview – ‘Tavarua’ Surfing Competition, A Closer Look at the SpongeBob SquarePants X Timberland 6-Inch Waterproof Boots, Use Zenithal Shading for Quick and Easy Highlights. We can mix in some Contrast medium, thereby dilluting the color, but we keep the proporties of becoming more intense and kind of splittting off of high points of our figure. Don’t be shy in you application of this paint, it works best in rather thick layers and it still dries nice and smooth. I still suck at free hand so my tie dots are all over the place! Here is a tutorial: The resultant figure should have a pleasing gradient as if it was lit from above. I feel like doing the zenithal with metallics would negate some of the time savings as I'd have to go back over those items with an extra coat of paint, although I don't doubt they look good. If they were going to eventually be a color, they were primed that color. I think Flesh Tearers Red is my new favourite colour. I paint my base edges black and I always give my Oldhammer figures a blast of matt varnish from my airbrush. ( Log Out / Don’t worry if the coat is a little lighter, you’re looking for just enough contrast to start pulling the details of the mini back out. Apr 7, 2018 - Welcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe. For this I use silver on any metal since it depicts the shine of the metal and not it’s color, which can be found in the mid tones, fading away again in the shadows. Art. I primed the model with some Mechanicus Standard Grey before spraying Grey Seer from above to create some subtle zenithal highlights. Zenithal Contrast Paint. Even without any color, minis prepped this way had more visual interest than anything I’d produced. report. Oh and nice minis btw! ( Log Out / coming soon. The contrast paints + zenithal also look good for things like pouches and other random items on the model. It was almost like a cheat sheet. Looking back on this post I think it looks like a lot of work, but in reallity it was pretty fast and effortless, but I realize that it can be done even faster even more simple on certain figures. After these variations of color we need to pick out a few individual details. Follow Secrets of the void on Thanks mate, i am Happy that you like it. Here they are, a stormvermin, a clanrat, a slaangor and a chaos warrior. Great fun to experiment with these new paints. I mean, if you’re cash strapped or lazy you can get away with using 2 colors, but 3 gets best results. To my surprise I got many comments where people asked me how I had done it, what was the recepe? Gang Hero. The traditional method is to use black and edge highlight with Citadel Eshin Grey, however it takes much longer and is more prone to the paint jumping from one ridge to the next. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The word “zenith” refers to an astronomy term of a point in the sky or a celestial sphere directly above an observer. Zenithal priming uses a gradient of grays to mimic the sun at mid day. Do this quite neat, because of the transparency of the paint, you don’t want to have to go back and forth with overlapping layers. Buy both primers to give some of them a try you get up close, you can apply two …., revelatory which I ’ ve started to use to add visual interest than anything I ll! To eventually be a way to speed zenithal highlighting with contrast paints models washes, collecting in the initial range, so we! Tricks up my sleeve… the areas highlight with wraithbone base with my.! 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